Home Ethanol, ethyl alcohol

Formula C2H6O
Molecular mass 46.07 g/mol
Density  0.79 g/cm3
Boiling point 78°C
Flash point 12°C
Vapour pressure 59 hPa
Evaporation number (DIN 53170) 8.3
Explosion limit 3.5-15 volume %
Ignition temperature 425°C
CAS-No. 64-17-5
EINECS-No. 2005786

Ethanol is used in coatings as carrier liquid, if a fast drying process is required and no drying oven for the drying of water base products is available. In addition, ethanol is used if other constituents of the coatings may react with water and form hydrates like aluminium nitride. Due to the more favourable exposure limits (MAK-value/Germany of 1000ppm) ethanol is preferred to other solvents such as 2-Propanol (isopropyl alcohol).

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© 2004 Büro für angewandte Mineralogie · Dr. Stephan Rudolph · D-47918 Tönisvorst
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