Home VIII. Phyllosilicates (Grouping according to mineralogical systematics) (Gallery)

VIII. Phyllosilicates
Mineral Chemistry
Alurgite K(Mg,Fe,Mn)Al[(OH,F)2|(Al,Mn,Si)Si3O10]
Apophyllite KCa4[F|(Si4O10)2]·8H2O
Astrophyllite (K,Na)3(Fe2+,Mn)7(Ti,Zr)2[(O,OH)7|Si8O24]
Bavenite Ca4Be2Al2[(OH)2|Si9O26]
Biotite K(Mg,Fe2+)3[(OH,F)2|(Al,Fe3+)Si3O10]
Chrysotile Mg6[(OH)8|Si4O10]
Clinochlore (Mg,Fe2+)5Al[(OH)8|AlSi3O10]
Fuchsite K(Al,Cr)2[(OH,F)2|AlSi3O10]
Glauconite (K,Na)(Fe3+,Al,Mg)2[(OH)2|(SiAl)4O10]
Kaemmererite (Fe,Mg)3Fe3[(OH)8|AlSi3O10]
Lepidolite KLi2Al[(OH,F)2|Si4O10]
Margarite CaAl2[(OH)2|Al2Si2O10]
Muscovite KAl2[(OH,F)2|AlSi3O10]
Pennine (Mg,Fe2+)5Al[(OH)8|AlSi3O10]
Phlogopite KMg3[(OH,F)2|AlSi3O10]
Prehnite CaAl[6][(OH)2|AlSi3O10]
Pyrophyllite Al2[(OH)2|Si4O10]
Sepiolite Mg4[(OH)2|Si6O15]·6H2O
Serpentine Mg6[(OH)8|Si4O10]
Talc Mg3[(OH)2|Si3O10]
Vermiculite (Mg,Fe3+,Al)3[(OH)2|AlSi3O10]·Mg0,33(H2O)4
Zinnwaldite KLiFe2+Al[(OH,F)2|AlSi3O10]

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