Home VIII. Tectosilicates (Grouping according to mineralogical systematics) (Gallery)

VIII. Tectosilicates
Mineral Chemistry
Adularia K[AlSi3O8]
Albite Na[AlSi3O8]
Analcime Na[AlSi2O6]·H2O
Cancrinite Na6Ca[CO3|(AlSiO4)]·2H2O
Chabazite (Ca,Na2)[Al2Si4O12]·6H2O
Danburite Ca[B2Si2O8]
Harmotome Ba[Al2Si6O16]·6H2O
Hauyne (Na,Ca)8-4[(SO4)2-1|(AlSiO4)6]
Heulandite Ca[Al2Si7O18]·6H2O
Laumontite Ca[AlSi2O6]2·4H2O
Lazurite (Na,Ca)8[(SO4),Cl2|(AlSiO4)6]
Leucite K[AlSi2O6]
Microcline K[AlSi3O8]
Natrolite Na2[Al2Si3O10]·2H2O
Nepheline KNa3[AlSiO4]4
Nosean Na8[Cl2|(AlSiO4)6]
Oligoclase (Na,Ca)[Al[Al,Si)2SiO8]
Orthoclase K[AlSi3O8]
Perthite K[AlSi3O8]
Petalite Li[AlSi4O10]
Phillipsite KCa[Al3Si5O16]·6H2O
Sanidine K[AlSi3O8]
Scapolite (Na,Ca)4[(Cl,CO3)|(AlSi)4O8]
Scolecite Ca[Al2Si3O10]·3H2O
Sodalite Na8[Cl2|(AlSiO4)6]
Stilbite Ca[Al2Si7O18]·7H2O

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© 2004 Büro für angewandte Mineralogie · Dr. Stephan Rudolph · D-47918 Tönisvorst
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